One thing I should note is that I'm addicted to tights. Literally. I have so many pairs I've lost track. I haven't been able to enjoy them what with 100 degree whether this time of year, but trust me, when fall arrives, I have a feeling most all my looks will include some variation. Most girls have shoe lust, which of course, I have too, but I have tights lust. Urban Outfitters doesn't help my cause.
Edit: I just found the tights on Urban Outfitters online again! It seems they've brought this pair back, if anyone else can't live without them: here.
Edit: I just found the tights on Urban Outfitters online again! It seems they've brought this pair back, if anyone else can't live without them: here.
I've been thinking about life.
I imagine life as a great big canvas. It's vast and blank, at disposal for creativity. Some people regard it with fascination, instigated by the emptiness, captivated to challenge their creativity. They see hope, they see options. Some people are fearful of it - all the choices are overwhelming, it's impossible to make a verdict of the endless calculations of possibilities within their own mind. So they often settle, forfeit the challenge. I'm torn between the two. The future is always something I've put off, until I realize the future I ignored is the present I'm living.
There are so many things I want to do in life, how do I pursue just one field? I know I can do whatever I put my mind to - my problem is my mind hard to keep up with at times.
I've thought about fashion, but I've always been more enamored with the artistic side of it. I can't focus on what simple style, as I'm sure you've all noticed. With such a wide range of interests come an unpredictable set of inspirations.
I've been out of touch with epiphanies for a long time, too long. But sharing a lunch break with a coworker in the North Carolina humidity of the afternoon by the outdoor eating area, with an ensuing conversation about life and goals provided revelations I needed. She shared some extremely useful blogging tips - blogging tips that evolved and translated to life tips for myself, the more I meditated on them. Thanks, Jess, if you're reading!
I suppose the ultimate moral of the story is not to fret. The more you fret about what you're going to do in life, the less decisive you'll become. Your goals will become less and less precise. Of course it's necessary to have a vision, but one thing I've learned with shooting my looks is, I have an idea in my head, right? A clear picture in mind I want to produce. But when I put on the clothes and I arrive at my ideal destination for shooting, I actually see what I have to work with - and most the time, I'm forced to become innovative with what's around me, and in turn, I create something else entirely that I'm pleased with. I think that's life. Circumstances happen, places change, and you make do with the tools you have to create a masterpiece.
I'd love to hear all of my readers thoughts on life and any revelations they've had in the comments.
(P.S. another theme I'm merging into my blogging as a part of my inspiration. You remember when I mentioned there are songs I listen to when I get prepared for a shoot? The song for this shoot, and mostly this blogging portion, is this song by Andrew Bird called "Oh No". The song is absolutely beautiful - but I'll let you discover that for yourself. Enjoy this link.)
those tights are amazing, but what i love the most is the dress. I wanted something like this, even found it in new look, but wasn't in my size :(